york swirls

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lainey's Tree

Before we got our real tree last Friday, the little girls--Erin, Heather, Laura, Kara, Leah, & Nanna--put up the pencil tree and decorated it. I was busy with other things and didn't know what they were up to. They made a sign that says, "In Loving Memory of Lainey Grace," with 6 little hearts under the words with each of their names in the hearts. They took a little wooden sled we use as a decoration and put the teddy bears that the funeral director gave each of them at Lainey's funeral on the sled. Many of you were at the graveside service when he presented them with the teddy bears.

Some of the girls and I went to the cemetery yesterday and put poinsettias on Lainey's grave. I almost bought a grave blanket when we went to get our Christmas tree. It just seems so bare and cold out there...... I know she's not there. She's warm and safe in Jesus' arms...but it just seems so bare and cold out there.....


  1. This one tugs at my heart. What sweet hearted girls you have.

  2. Yes, I loved it when they gave the girls the teddy bears. I love it even more that they are remembering Lainey. What a sweet gesture of your girls to do this little tree. Lainey changed life for all of you. Hugs.
