york swirls

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jumbled Contemplations

We've been home ten days now, and it's just been busy, busy, busy!!! Hardly a moment to catch our breath! Krissy has had doctor's appointments for herself and Ryan, several of them. Today, Gary took his dad to the cardiologist while I took Heather to Riley's for her annual checkup. Tomorrow, Krissy has 4 appointments in Lafayette. It just seems never-ending. And then there's a newborn that wants to eat every 3 hours and makes a load of laundry every day all by himself!
As Krissy was writing thank you notes today, she needed an address that sent me looking through all the cards we got when Lainey went to Heaven. In that huge stack of cards is a card from the anesthesiologist that gave me the epidural when I was in labor with Lainey. He cared enough to send a sympathy card. He's been here with his hunting dog to go pheasant hunting with Gary & some of the girls. Before we went to the hospital with Krissy, Gary called him and asked him when he would be on duty. Once he found out when Krissy was scheduled to go in, he stopped and checked on her. Through her whole 9-day stay at St. Elizabeth's, he stopped in every day (except the weekend he was out of town), sometimes more than once a day. His sister is an OB nurse, and he set her up to take care of Krissy the day she had Ryan. He even brought a gift after Ryan was born. Gary asked him if he could recommend a good cardiologist for his dad. He not only recommended one; he called the cardiologist himself. Then that doctor's office called Gary's dad and set up an appointment for just a few days later. It just amazes me how God brings just the right people at just the right time across our paths. What a huge blessing Dr. Madren has been to our family!
There have been a few things that God has shown me that I've been mulling around in my mind these past few weeks. Of course, we all know that "all things work together for good" (Romans 8:28), but it's not always real to us. There has been more than one time during the past month that God has made this verse real to me. There have been some things that have happened that have seemed very bad, something we would have never wanted to happen, but they have brought about good things, even answers to prayer. The details are personal, but so very real to me.
Last week our pastor preached a thought-provoking message. Have you ever been at a point where you just didn't know how you were going to get through this? I've been there more than once myself in the past year. Our pastor gave us the example of Hagar when she fled from Sarah with her son, Ishmael. She was crying because she and her son were going to die....until God opened her eyes and showed her the pool of water nearby. The answer to her problem was right there all the time. He gave other Bible examples of answers that were right there all the time, but the people didn't see them until God opened their eyes. How often are we like that? God has the answer waiting right there. He's just waiting for us to ask Him for it before He shows it to us.
I'll close all my ramblings for now with some of the words to one of my favorite songs....Is anything too hard for God? Who's got a problem beyond His power to solve? Are there situations He's not the Mastor of? Is anything too hard for God?

1 comment:

  1. Why would you be surprised* by Romans 8:28? (*for lack of a better term). Sounds like it keeps getting proven to you time & again lately, and I can't think of a better family to be a GREAT recipient of such gifts. You LOVE the Lord & demonstrate it so much and so well to those around you. Maybe I'm missing your point in your post, but I think you're just being rewarded for all the serving you do for Christ.
