york swirls

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Long, Long Winter

 We came home from the Bahamas to these beautiful icicles hanging from the front porch.  One of them measured 5 feet, 5 inches.
 It doesn't seem like we can go for more than a week without snow or ice.  Just yesterday Gary & I went to Rensselaer for a few things.  A blizzard hit while we were gone.  It was amazing!  Instant blizzard!!  This was State Road 16 on our way home.  There were cars in the ditch and cars stuck in the road.  It was just awful!  So glad we made it home safely!  Gary said it was a piece of cake, but I think I left fingerprints in the dash of his pickup.
Then this morning he was taking the girls down to feed the calves.  The driveway was filled back in with snow.  It took him several tries to get through it.  He spent the afternoon plowing snow from our driveway, my mom & dad's, his mom & dad's, and his cousin's.  The girls went to the grandparents' houses manned with shovels and salt to clear their walks.

The crazy thing is that after the blizzard yesterday, it was 44 degrees today.  Everything was dripping and messy.  Then they are predicting it will be in the 50s Thursday with damaging winds and thunderstorms.  Then back to the single digits next week.  Such crazy weather!  I think I'll go back to the Bahamas!!

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