york swirls

Friday, December 14, 2012

Fun Times in Spencer

We went to my mom & dad's house in Spencer, Indiana, on Monday to help them get some things ready to have our family Christmas down there on the 29th.  We took our camper down there and stayed Monday night.  We left it down there to stay in the weekend we have Christmas because my sisters and their families will be taking up the bedrooms in the house.
 The girls had a great time dressing up in the clothes Grandma got at the second-hand store.  We also roasted hotdogs and marshmallows over the fireplace for supper.
 Laura-patra...or is that Cleopatra?
 Kara, Miss Sophistication
 Leah looks like she came from the 1920's.
 On Tuesday morning, Leah filled her hands with birdseed and went out to sit by the bird feeders in hopes that a bird would come sit on her hand.  She sat there motionless for a long time.  The birds came close, but didn't land on her.  It was so sweet to see her sitting out there.  The innocence of childhood!
Murphy found a comfy spot beside the wood stove in the shed while Gary & Dad worked on some electrical problems out there.  They got a lot accomplished out there on Tuesday while some of us worked in the house cleaning and putting up Christmas decorations.  We all worked together and accomplished a lot while having some good times too (as seen above).

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