york swirls

Thursday, May 24, 2012

First cutting of hay

 Meagan unloading the rack
 Waiting for a bale
 Nathan & Heather
Erin carrying a bale
(Stephen Howard in the background)
 Heather stacking hay
 Leah throwing hay to the calves
Leah & Nanna in the haymow

Today was a busy day on the farm.  They baled 342 square bales and 42 big round bales, plus 8 more round bales for a neighbor.  Gary cut the hay on Tuesday.  This morning Gary & Meagan raked the hay (turning it over to dry & raking it into long rows called windrows), chasing each other around the field.  

With the heat and wind today, it was ready to be baled by early afternoon.  Autumn had the day off of work because their plant was going to be without electricity, so she was able to be home for the "big event".  Autumn drove the square baler (her very first time!) and Gary drove the round baler.

Nathan and Stephen Howard rode the rack behind the baler.  Meagan unloaded the rack while Nathan, Stephen, Erin, and Heather were in the haymow stacking.  When she wasn't needed to unload the rack, Meagan was using our little Kubota tractor to gather the round bales in central locations in the field to be loaded on the rack later to be transported to the barn.  

By 8:00 tonight, all the hay was under roof, and we were all gathered around the table for supper.  It was a good day on the farm!


  1. Why is it that the hay is always ready on the hottest day of the year, hmmm? Glad it all took just one long hard day and you had so many hands to make "light" work of it.

  2. Those dinner foil packets look good, and easy to serve...what a great idea! You all had a productive day!
